

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Salty or nah?

Picture this: You’re in a buffet line with some acquaintances. You’ve decided that you want fried chicken so you head in that direction. You eye the pan where the chicken is and you notice there are only a couple pieces left. Counting the people in front of you, you are not sure if there will be any left for you. So you wait and wait. When you make it to the front of the line, there is one piece left. You are a little disappointed, but you are grateful for the piece that you have. When you sit down at your table, a young lady passes by and is complaining about the fact that the buffet is out of fried chicken. She’s takes a look at your plate and her jealousy kicks in. She sits across the room from you and every now and then when you look up, you catch her “mean-mugging” you. She whispers to her friends and you know it’s about you. Her reaction to you (and your chicken that you waited patiently in line for) confuses you and you can’t understand why someone is so angry and mean when the chicken wasn’t theirs in the first place.

Interesting story huh? It’s crazy how one piece of chicken made that lady hate you and treat you so rudely. So let’s replace this fried chicken with a man. Aside from how you and the fried chicken met, everything about this story can ring true when it comes to a man. If you still haven’t grasped what I’m trying to say then I’ll say this: Why are these girls so salty towards you because of your man?

In this situation, I am a victim! My boyfriend of six and a half years is very attractive (to me at least). Now I must admit that I am the jealous, insecure girlfriend. Guilty as charged! I tend to overreact in certain situations, however, I can tell when another woman is “mean mugging” me and trying to be funny. Perfect example, There’s one young lady that I used to be acquaintances with. She was always very friendly and we would talk when I saw her. But after I had been dating my boyfriend, she started to roll her eyes at me when we would see each other. She would start whispering to her friends and they all would turn and look at me and roll their eyes too. Other people saw her reaction to me and started to ask questions. It even made me question my boyfriend. But I’ve come to realize that, for whatever reason, she is jealous.

I DEFINITELY cannot give advice on how to handle this situation because I still want to pull off my earrings and break out the Vaseline when it happens to me. But if you are the root of their jealousy, I can give you a few reasons why they may be jealous. 

1. They find your boyfriend/husband attractive and they want him for themselves. 
2. They are his side piece and they caught feelings. Now they are gunning for your spot. 
3. They are an ex or baby mama and can’t understand why he picked you and not them. 
4. Maybe it’s not just him. They know YOU are attractive and have it together and they want to be like you.

If you’re one of these mean mugging, eye rolling, bumping into her on purpose type of girls; then you need to know that your problem is because of your own insecurities. I feel sorry for you. I hope one day you can open your eyes and see you don’t need to express your envy in that way because it only makes you look 

To the girls being hated on, continue to do you and have confidence that you must be doing something right!

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